Taken from their bio on hobbledehoyrecords:
"Tucked away in the calm of the Queensland Sunshine Coast, there’s four friends playing the music that they love. ARROWS is the simple blend of the aforementioned. Despite members rotationally jetting in and out of the country for months at a time, when these boys are all together they certainly keep busy.
Since forming in mid-2006, ARROWS in amongst playing shows swiftly recorded and self released their ‘Don’t Write Poetry’ CDep, toured nationally, then followed up with a 12” vinyl split release with friends These Hands Could Separate The Sky. Their debut full length is currently being written and will be out on Hobbledehoy sometime in 2008."
I first came across Arrows (around early Nov. last year) when someone randomly recommended them to me on a message board that i frequent. I went to their page and dl'd "Clever" and "Don't Interrupt Me While I'm Working" and I instantly got hooked and craved for more, I was even nagging my friends to ask their Aussie friends if they've got a copy of the 12" split with These Hands Could Separate The Sky but to no avail.
Until Carl (bassist) left me a message with the links for "They Don't Write Poetry" and "Arrows/These Hands Could Separate The Sky" which you could grab below, thanks to them! :) and after listening to their disco as a whole, I've come to the conclusion that Arrows play good, passionate and emotive music. period.
RIYL: Mineral, Boy's Life, Emo Diaries 1-6 (cause the latter ones suck)

Arrows on Myspace
Indoor Children on Myspace
Hobbledehoy Records
*Special thanks to CarlARROWS for letting me post this link* muwahhh :)
hey can you re-up this, please?
or mail me at leonazambuja@yahoo.com
much thanks, regards.
Also looking for these albums.
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